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Notability + AirPlay = Portable Smartboard

The most requested technology session I provide at conferences or during district level professional development is on how to transform an iPad into a portable smartboard. The answer is simple: Notability + AirPlay.

Notability is the best annotation app on the market, by far. Beyond hand-written annotations, you can type, record audio, sketch, take pictures, insert your own photos, and much more. Your iPad will transform into a powerful (and cheap) smartboard when combining Notability with AirPlay and displaying your iPay through a classroom projector or other display.

Notability & AirPlay changed the way I taught collegiate mathematics and continues to empower not only myself in a professional role, but all of the students I reached as well. In particular, I feel my preservice teachers gained the most from using Notability & AirPlay in my math methods courses for elementary and secondary math teachers. Students elicted deeper critical thinking, increased communication skills and enhanced their ability to organize thoughts and classroom content. I couldn't imagine teaching without Notability!

Today I learned Gingerlabs created a Mac Notability App. Paired with my current classroom applications, the Mac app will be perfect for students on many levels. I can't wait to check it out.

Thanks Gingerlabs!

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